China Eastern Airlines Gwangju Office in South Korea

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A better way to start a journey on a good note would be to make sure the bookings are done right. The best place you can ensure that is the city office of your carrier. Online reservations are all fun and games until you need to make significant modifications or need to fly under special conditions. Furthermore, it is not as user-friendly to most. At the China Eastern Airlines Gwangju Office in South Korea, you can find information related to flight status and destination, which can be helpful for flight selection. Use this guidebook to book a flight the way you want to.

Getting in Touch with the Airline Representatives

Talking to travel agents who have years of experience in the field of travel planning can be a game changer. Let them find you a flight, arrange your transport to and from the airport, and even get you a reliable place to stay at your destination. Here is the info you need to get in touch with them. 

China Eastern Airlines Gwangju Office AddressGwangju Airport, 420-25 Sangmu-daero, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, South Korea
China Eastern Airlines Gwangju Office Contact Number852 2862 8688
Operational Hours24*7

City Office Map and Location

Headquarters of the China Eastern Airlines

China Eastern Airlines staff can fill you in on the flight status, flight modification, and solutions to baggage-related queries. The address and operational hours of the airport office are right below.

Physical AddressBlock A2, Northern District, CEA Building, 36 Hongxiang sanlu Road, Minhang District, Shanghai.
Contact Number(852) 2862 8688
When to Visit

Other Information about China Eastern Airlines

China Eastern Airlines Fleet Size

AircraftIn Service
Airbus A330-30026
Airbus A350-90020
Boeing 737-70036
Boeing 737-800101
Boeing 737 MAX 84
Boeing 777-300ER20
Boeing 787-93
Comac C90926
Comac C91910

China Eastern Airlines Gwangju Office: Services Offered 

Out of so many reasons why the Gwangju office of the airline is often crowded is because the passengers need guidance with travel planning, and most keep on procrastinating it as long as they are not pushed. Therefore, during these situations, the sales office in the city can be your savior; they will not only book but also craft a perfect itinerary for you that you will remember in days to come. 

Knowing Airline Routes, Destination, and Schedules

Getting the on-time information on the schedule of flights running to your desired destination and locating one under your budget and expectations can be another challenging task. The China Eastern Airlines Office in Gwangju is where you can get help with such formalities. If you are unsure of the travel requirements of the destination, the agents will guide you through. 

Booking, Add Ons, and Changes

It is a place where you can easily book your flights, pay for the reservation, and make changes to it anytime. In case you want to purchase additional seats or want to upgrade the cabin, the sales office is where you can get the portal to complete those tasks. Moreover, you can also change your flight or book under flexible booking conditions, if possible. 

Getting Cancellation and Refund Status 

Won’t be able to fly for the booked itinerary? Speak with the customer service representatives at the China Eastern Airlines Gwangju Office about your ticket’s refundability and cancel the flight accordingly. You can also get updates on the refund status from the same source.  The agents can also compensate you for airline-initiated cancellations that might have caused trouble. 

Learning About Baggage Allowances and Purchase

Bring luggage that goes as per the guidelines of the airport authorities. Learn about the rules and restrictions of transporting special items, such as medicines, sports equipment, and musical instruments.  Special baggage allowances are not cheap; they require several screening levels, and at the city office, you can catch up on all such details. 

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